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Arado Senki - Diregie

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    Detail about lv 70 patch - 2nd Impact


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    Detail about lv 70 patch - 2nd Impact Empty Detail about lv 70 patch - 2nd Impact

    Post  Amado Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:51 am

    - Limit lv becomes 70
    - New difficulty: Heroes mode
    - New type of Champion monster exclusive in Heroes mode
    - Improve Battery System, EXP bonus increases with the stress you burn
    - If you are lv 70, you can spend gold to call fairy in town to buff

    1) Add + Improve Items
    - Add lv 60 common (white), uncommon (blue), rare + legacy (purple), unique (pink), epic (yellow) equipment
    - Add lv 65 white, blue and rare equipment
    - Add 真レア item ( it can be translated as TRUE Rare Item). Drop only in Heroes mode, 真 (TRUE) will be added to the item's name.

    2) New town, new dungeons
    There will be 7 new dungeons, 3 in Gent, 2 in North Myre, 2 in the new town

    3) Stat Change
    - Vital and Spirit will affect HP/MP Max, HP/MP regen, phy/mag defense.
    - +250 Vital/Spirit = +100% HP/MP Max + 100% HP/MP regen + 1250 phy/mag def
    - Vital/Spirit from consumable item won't be counted, but from passive skill is ok (like crusader)
    - Add STR to leather, INT to light armor and metal armor, INT to necklace, STR to bracelet and ring
    - Increase stat for unique, epic, chronicle item
    - Increase stat for avatar, like rare hat will have 55 int
    - New equipment slot
    + Increase STR,INT,VIT,SPR
    + Get new slot after finishing quest lv 65+

    4) Chronicle 2 (C2 for short) improvement
    - C2 items can be "opened" for higher stat (+5 lv). "Opened" item will have "改" (improved) before its name.
    - If the average lv of the pt enter the map is 60-64, normal C2 will drop, if it's 65-70, "opened" item will drop.

    5) Skill improvement
    - Skill lv limit increases from 20 to 30, some 10lv skills become 20 lv (like weapon mastery of ghost knight)
    - Increase stat of skill at lv1
    - Change some skill stat and effect
    - The higher the skill lv is, the more SP is needed to learn

    _Skill Lv: 1_ 5_ 10 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 48
    SP need: 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 40 50 60 80

    - Increase SP received when lv up
    - All chars will get SP reset (hooray)

    6) Add special skills and upgrade current skills(this is what you saw in video)
    - TP is needed to learn. You will get the first TP when you lv up from 50 to 51, then each time you lv up, you'll get 1 TP. Lv 70 will have 20TP
    - There are 3 types of speciality: passive, active, status
    - Passive: strengthen some existing skills
    - Status: choose one of these stat: STR, INT, VIT, SPR, hit/dodge rate, HP/MP regen, resist
    - Active: create a new skill from an existing one, can be used seperately and share the cooldown

    Next is the list of which skill will have passive or active. This list may be long, but i think people will need it so i post (if i have time, i'll add English name for skill).

    * Ghost Knight
    o 波動剣地裂 (Sword Wave)
    o ゴアクロス (Gore Cross)
    o 鬼斬り (Orge Slash)
    o 断空斬 (Triple Slash)

    * Weapon Master
    o 背面攻撃 (Reverse Attack)
    o オートガード (Auto Guard)

    * Soul Bringer
    o 虚ろな目のブレーメン (Bremen)
    o 鬼影歩

    * Berserker
    o ダイハード (Die hard)
    o 暴走 (Reckless)

    * Asura
    o 鬼神の波動
    o 波動刻印

    * Fighter
    o 念弾
    o ローキック (Low kick)
    o スープレックス (Suplex)
    o クラウチング (Crouching

    * NenMaster
    o 練気
    o 螺旋の念

    * Striker
    o 鉄山靠
    o 発剄

    * StreetFighter
    o マウント (Mount)
    o 投網 (Net)

    * Grappler
    o ショルダータックル
    o スパイア (Spike)

    * Gunner
    o Punisher
    o BBQ
    o RX-78 ランドランナー (Landrunner)
    o 銀の弾丸 (Silver Bullet)

    * Ranger
    o Gunguard
    o Headshot

    * Launcher
    o M-3 火炎放射器
    o シュタイア対戦車砲

    * Mechanic
    o 一斉爆破
    o G-1 コロナ (Corona)

    * Spitfire
    o Crossmore
    o 弾倉拡張

    * Mage
    o 天撃
    o フローレスセント
    o 鞭打ち
    o 古代の図書館

    * Elemental Master
    o フロストヘッド
    o ショータイム (Show time)

    * Summoner
    o あいつを狙え!
    o 下級精霊

    * Battle Mage
    o 落花掌
    o 位相変化

    * Scholar/Witch
    o スイートキャンディーバー (Sweet Candy)
    o 高出力マジックミサイル

    * Priest
    o スローヒール (Slow heal)
    o ラッキーストレート (Lucky Straight)
    o 落鳳錘 (Break Stamp)
    o 憤怒の鷲掴み (Grasp hand of Anger)

    * Crusader
    o 勝利の槍
    o 光の復讐

    * Infighter
    o ダッキングストレート
    o ウィルドライバー (Will driver)

    * Exocist
    o 制圧札
    o 巨旋風

    * Thief
    o クナイ
    o カーズスピアー
    o イレーサー (Eraser)
    o ダイビングアロー (Diving Arrow)

    * Rogue
    o ハリケーン
    o ヒットエンド

    * Necromancer
    o 夜行魂
    o 黒砂陣

    It has structure like: "New Skill name" [space] Strengthen from "Old skill name". Some new skills have new clear name, some just have Strengthen at the start of its name

    * Weapon Master
    o チャージバースター チャージクラッシュ強化 (Charge Buster = Strengthen from ChargeCrush)
    o 強化居合い 居合い強化 (Strengthen Wide Slash)

    * Soul Bringer
    o 強化冷気のサヤ 冷気のサヤ強化 ( Strengthen Saya)
    o 強化トゥームストーン トゥームストーン強化 ( Strengthen Tombstone)

    * Berserker
    o 強化レイジングフューリー レイジングフューリー強化 (Strengthen Raising Fury)
    o 強化狂乱の宴 狂乱の宴強化 (Strengthen Bloodlust)

    * Asura
    o 強化波動剣氷刃 波動剣氷刃強化 (Strengthen Ice wave)
    o 強化波動剣爆炎 波動剣爆炎強化 (Strengthen Fire wave)

    * NenMaster
    o 極めの念障壁 念障壁強化 (Ultimate Nen Barrier = Strengthen from Nen Barrier)
    o 太四子の吼 獅子吼強化

    * Striker
    o 破鎖拳 崩拳強化
    o ライジングスマッシュ ライジングナックル強化 ( Rising Smash = Strengthen from Raising Knuckle)

    * StreetFighter
    o 猛毒ホールドボム ホールドボム強化 (Poison Hold Bomb = Strengthen from Hold Bomb)
    o ブロックボム ブロックバスター強化 (Block Bomb = Strengthen from Block Buster)

    * Grappler
    o 強化スパイラルハンマー スパイラルハンマー強化 (Strengthen Spiral Hammer)
    o 強化スープレックスサイクロン スープレックスサイクロン強化 (Strengthen Suplex Cyclone)

    * Ranger
    o 強化エアー・レード エアー・レード強化 (Strengthen Air raid)
    o 強化ソニックスパイク ソニックスパイク強化 (Strengthen Sonic Spike)
    o 強化マルチヘッドショット マルチヘッドショット強化 (Strengthen Multi Headshot)

    * Launcher
    o 強化FM-92 スティンガー FM-92 スティンガー強化
    o 冷気放射 冷気属性強化 (Ice Thrower)

    * Mechanic
    o 強化 Ex-S ヴァイパー  Ex-S ヴァイパー強化 (Strengthen Viper)
    o 強化 Ez-8 カウントダウン  Ez-8 カウントダウン強化 (Strengthen Countdown)

    * Spitfire
    o 強化 C-4 遠隔操作爆弾  C-4 遠隔操作爆弾強化
    o 強化フラッシュマイン フラッシュマイン強化 (Strengthen Flash Mine)

    * Elemental Master
    o シャイニングチーリングフェンス サンバースト,チーリングフェンス強化 (Shining Chilling Fence = Strengthen from Sunburst, Chilling Fence)
    o フレームヴォイドボルケーノ フレームストライク,ヴォイド強化 (Flame Void Volcano = Strengthen from Flamestrike, Void)

    * Summoner
    o 中級精霊 下級精霊強化
    o 強化サンドル サンドル強化 (Strengthen Sandol)

    * Battle Mage
    o 強化雷連撃 雷連撃強化
    o 強化碎覇 碎覇強化

    * Scholar/Witch
    o 強化変移ハエ叩き 変移ハエ叩き強化
    o 強化ホウキスピン ホウキスピン強化 (Strengthen Houki Spin)

    * Crusader
    o 強化フラッシュグローブ フラッシュグローブ強化 (Strengthen Flash Globe)
    o 強化ディフレクトウォール ディフレクトウォール強化 (Strengthen Deflect Wall)

    * Infighter
    o 強化ヘブンリーコンビネーション ヘブンリーコンビネーション強化 (Strengthen Heavenly Combination)
    o 強化マシンガンジャブ マシンガンジャブ強化 (Strengthen Machine Gun Jab)

    * Exorciest
    o 強化乱撃 乱撃強化
    o 強化玄武 玄武強化

    * Rogue
    o 強化チェーンソー チェーンソー強化
    o 強化バーチカルスパイラル バーチカルスパイラル強化

    * Necromancer
    o 強化亡者の怨恨 亡者の怨恨強化
    o 強化吸気暗勁把 吸気暗勁把強化

    Translated by Amado
    Source: dnf.wikiwiki.jp

    Last edited by Amado on Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:23 am; edited 8 times in total

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    Detail about lv 70 patch - 2nd Impact Empty Re: Detail about lv 70 patch - 2nd Impact

    Post  MushyWaffles Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:15 am

    Looks really nice, I watched a video of some of the skill changes/additions, can't wait for the update to get here ^_^

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    Post  Unplayed Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:48 am

    w00h000 =D

    i luv ya amado ;D
    still the best source of information in the internet ;D

    epic post!! affraid

    rep+1 ;D (though this would deserve at least a tripple rep sunny )

    + ive moved it over to updates What a Face

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    Post  Jak Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:41 pm

    I saw this hoping for us to get that patch this soon ._.

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    Post  Bonk Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:43 pm

    I actually hope we DON'T get this patch soon. I'd rather get a couple characters to 60 before the patch gives us a reset, when I'll know more about the class to make better decisions on where to put SP.

    Also, thanks for the info! You're awesome

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    Post  Unplayed Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:49 pm

    here's a little " teaser " Wink


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    Post  Chardo Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:20 pm

    Improved saya? whoa, as if saya isnt already the best soul bender skill, lol.

    also, no love for rhasa, feels bad.

    Im also quite interested in the fact you can specialize in stats now, or more weapon especialization points.

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    Post  Chardo Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:14 am

    anyways, anyone who has access to DnF, etc, mind uploading or providing a link to the new songs of the new dungeons? Im quite curious about them.

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    Post  Bonk Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:34 am

    This guy seems to have a couple gameplay vids of the new dungeons (with sound) http://zoome.jp/Aresia09/movie_list although the music seems to be a little overpowered by the voices and sound effects.

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    Post  Chardo Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:11 am

    Bonk wrote:This guy seems to have a couple gameplay vids of the new dungeons (with sound) http://zoome.jp/Aresia09/movie_list although the music seems to be a little overpowered by the voices and sound effects.

    its official, the cocodrile sea train theme has to be the best song in the game, and that is saying a lot, coming from such a godly soundtrack as this one.

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    Post  Amado Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:15 am

    Here's the link for new dungeons BGM as you requested Chardo


    Still not listen much but most of boss room BGMs seem nice for me.

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    Post  Chardo Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:04 am

    Whoo thanks a lot Amado, Im really enjoying this.

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    Post  Bonk Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:23 pm


    Video of all the EX-Skills, used on a dummy.
    Large Dark Sky
    Large Dark Sky

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    Post  Large Dark Sky Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:43 pm

    asuras skill looks cool but...it's like it already was in there. maybe i gonna take ice wave...seems like it casted fasted and better freese chance >_>

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    Post  Amado Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:55 am

    LoL, censored Raising Fury = Raising Sand ! But the ice of asura ice wave looks better than in the test server.

    Something about TP and TP skills
    - You get the first TP skill at lv 60, the other one is lv 70. Each 5 lv you'll get 1 lv for TP skill, so first TP skill can reach lv 3 at max while second TP skill is only 1 lv.
    - It costs 2 TP for skill 60 and 3 TP for skill 70. So most likely many people will learn them all and it will be 2x3 + 3 = 9 TP for those skills.
    - Stat skill will be +25 of STR or INT or VIT or SPR each lv, +3% for hit rate and dodge rate. I didn't check HP/MP regen and bad status/elemental resist. All are lv 3 max (hit rate and dodge rate will be +10% at lv3). Cost 1 TP each lv
    - Passive skill: i didn't test much, but to learn it, you must have lv 10 of the skill. Cost 1 TP each lv

    Last edited by Amado on Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total
    Large Dark Sky
    Large Dark Sky

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    Post  Large Dark Sky Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:03 am


    * Asura
    o 鬼神の波動 (Ogre wave)
    o 波動刻印 (Wave crest)

    what cost of stat skills and passive skills?
    (it wouldn't be bad to get wave crest upgrade and int upgrade)
    Large Dark Sky
    Large Dark Sky

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    Post  Large Dark Sky Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:25 am

    a little late question, but does thief/rogue is like merge of infighter and fighter classes? fast, acrobatic, deadly...

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    Post  Unplayed Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:58 pm

    humm partly .. rogue is like a combination of infighter, grappler, weaponmaster

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    Post  Amado Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:24 am

    http://zoome.jp/xenia/diary/2 WM at Screaming Cave K
    http://zoome.jp/xenia/diary/3 WM at Borodin K
    http://zoome.jp/hhhjs2/diary/4 BSK at Screaming Cave K
    http://zoome.jp/halfLo/diary/62 Witch at Vilmark K

    See how a lv 70 char pwn ancient dungeons ^^

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    Post  RATT Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:46 am

    Amado wrote:http://zoome.jp/xenia/diary/2 WM at Screaming Cave K
    http://zoome.jp/xenia/diary/3 WM at Borodin K
    http://zoome.jp/hhhjs2/diary/4 BSK at Screaming Cave K
    http://zoome.jp/halfLo/diary/62 Witch at Vilmark K

    See how a lv 70 char pwn ancient dungeons ^^

    ok screw u guys, im playing kdnf now............i wish D= lol.... -_________-

    lol wow he has a lot of avas. what does the lock icon mean? o_0 does it mean its not tradeable?

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    Post  Amado Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:50 am

    Lock icon is for safety. You can't sell or grind a locked item.
    I locked some of my items, but i don't know how to unlock Very Happy Seems like Seria can unlock

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